Odbjegli svijet : Kako globalizacija oblikuje naše živote

Odbjegli svijet : Kako globalizacija oblikuje naše živote

Anthony Giddens

This book contains lectures by sociologist Anthony Giddens on the state of the world at the end of the twentieth century. Globalization, risk, tradition, family and democracy are key and unavoidable topics in understanding the state and changes of the mod

The book by the leading British and world sociologist Anthony Giddens deals with the most important aspects and consequences of globalization. Both for nations - states, societies, transnational social formations and political systems, as well as for individuals, families and everyday life.

Borrowing the title of a lecture by anthropologist Edmund Leach from the 1970s, the author refers to a fact that we feel more and more today - namely, the world around us is changing and transforming at a speed that leaves doubts and disorientation... In this popular-scientific introduction to globalization, the author lists all relevant aspects. From economic transnationalization to general risks, identity transformation, various forms of fundamentalism to the restructuring of democratic systems, Giddens covers all the areas in which the expression of globalization is strongest.

Original title
Runaway world
Ana Milićević
Tanja Vučković
18 x 12 cm
Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2005.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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