Prilaz JNA 2
Titles in our offer
Ispovijed jednog luđaka
In 1875, Strindberg met Baroness Sirri von Essen and fell in love. In two years, the inevitable happens: the baroness divorces the baron and marries Strindberg, accepting a much more uncertain future for the sake of that love.
Istarske freske / Istrianische fresken: 12 reprodukcija
The large amount of preserved wall painting in a relatively small area such as Istria is amazing. There are approximately 140 localities, from large and sumptuous fresco cycles to individual scenes and small fragments.
Izabrane pjesme
The French school of taste and form, as well as the tradition of Croatian lyricism from Štoos to Kranjčević, is the ground on which the most distinctive Croatian poetic personality grew.
Izgubljeni zavičaj / Dolutali metak
A short novel or a longer story, Izgubljeni zavičaj (1955), established Novak as one of the most important writers of Croatian existentialism.
Između dva rata
This book contains autobiographical information and provides insight into numerous historical figures and events.
Izvještaj iz pokrajine
This book of Petr Šegedin's prose consists of seven novellas and one short novel, after which the book got its title.