Srpska književna zadruga (SKZ)
Kralja Milana 19
Titles in our offer
Istorija religije Istoka i Zapada
Kad je Sunce bilo bog
Književni rad u Srbiji
Leonardo da Vinči
Majstor i Margarita
"The Master and Margarita" is the masterpiece of the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, one of the most famous and appreciated works of world literature. The novel was written in the thirties of the 20th century, but was published posthumously in 1966-1967.
Mati / Gradić Okurov
The novel Mati talks about awakening the consciousness of the oppressed and exploited poor population of imperial Russia, and the rights to a free and dignified life.
Moji univerziteti / Kuća Artamonovih
My Universities is an introspective work that takes us through the life and inner development of this great writer.
Pisma: Pisma Mihaila Bulgakova / Autobiografije Mihaila Bulgakova i drugi tekstovi
This volume presents Bulgakov's preserved letters, mostly from the 1930s, as well as two of his autobiographies and other texts from the available legacy.
Maxim Gorky was a famous Russian writer, playwright and political activist. His works left a deep mark in the world of literature.
Maxim Gorky was a famous Russian writer, playwright and political activist. His works left a deep mark in the world of literature.