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Anyone who has read The Little Paris Bookstore by the German writer Nina George will know about her theory of healing with literature. If the right book is read at the right time, it can cure even the most difficult problems without needing either medicin
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In the author's selection "Master of my own body" Velimir Visković presents the Croatian classic Slavko Kolar, an excellent novelist who created an impressive series of authentic literary heroes in his stories.
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Is the half-sister Rebecca Strand never met short? Tall? Rich? Poor? Pretty? Witty? Married? Lonely? Happy? A great story written by an outstanding new writer. Rebecca will find out.
Tajne odrastanja: savjeti za djevojke
Tajni dnevnik Anne Boleyn
The life and death of Henry VIII's second wife.
Talijansko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-talijanski
Universal dictionary
Tamni plamenovi
Arriving uninvited in the huge stone building, she trembled with terror - and excitement. Jane Barclay was his protégé. Her cheerful innocent nature was the complete opposite of his impetuous temper.
Tinejdžeri i roditelji: 10 koraka do boljih međusobnih odnosa
The value of this book is in its simple practicality with regard to the everyday things that accompany us in the upbringing of teenage children, and often exude alienation from a realistic solution.