Državni arhiv u Osijeku
Titles in our offer
Državni arhiv u Osijeku - Vodič
A guide to the archival holdings and collections of the State Archives in Osijek
Gospodarska izvješća Iločkog vlastelinstva (1918.-1928.)
This book provides an insight into the economic aspects of the manor, its resources and activities during the mentioned decade.
Inventar iločkog vlastelinstva 1886. godine
Izvori za povijest zdravstva Osijeka i Hrvatske 1865. - 1938.
Kanonske vizitacije knjiga II. - Baranja 1829.-1845.
The canonical visitations of Baranja in 1829 were well systematized, more detailed and extensive, and the procedures for supervising parishes and describing the situation were well established.
Kanonske vizitacije knjiga V. -Osijek i okolica 1732.-1833.
The book provides a Latin and comparative Croatian translation of the canonical visitations of Osijek and its surroundings from the first preserved visitation of Osijek in 1732 to 1833 (that is, for Čepin in 1899).
Kraljevski sudbeni stol u Osijeku 1850.-1945.
This book provides a deeper insight into the work and history of the Royal Court Bench in Osijek and is useful for researchers, historians and anyone interested in the judicial history of that period.
Naselja u Istočnoj Hrvatskoj krajem 17. i početkom 18. stoljeća
Odvodnja sa slavonske dravsko-dunavske nizine
Project Ivana Nep. Spannbauera, 1876. g.