Revenants: A Dream of New England

Revenants: A Dream of New England

Daniel Mills

Revenants is a lyrical evocation of the colonial landscape, a poetic meditation on the hills and wilds of that vanished country. It also brings back to life the inner landscape of sombre repression known to the settlers of New England.

The year is 1689. Situated on the northern boundary of the Massachusetts Bay colony, the town of Cold Marsh is a place of secrets, a village characterized by repression and guilt. Fourteen years have passed since the outbreak of King Philip's War and darkness has come to the Cold Marsh. Two of the town's young women have vanished under mysterious circumstances, and the country seethes with rumors of witchcraft and devilry. Even their God has abandoned them. When a third young woman disappears, the men of the village determine to leave the safety of the village and enter the other world of the woods in search of her.

Hanna Tuulikki
20,5 x 13,5 cm
Broj strana
Chômu Press, Pasadena, California, 2011.
Latinica. Broširano.
Jezik: Hrvatski.

Jedan primjerak je u ponudi

Stanje:Korišteno, u odličnom stanju
Oštećenja / nepogodnosti:
  • Potpis prethodnog vlasnika
Snižena cijena: 13,9910,49
Popust od 25% vrijedi do 17.09.2024. 23:59
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S devedeset i dva crteža Eve Schwimmer. Izbor i pogovor Hansa W. Fischera.

Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1942.
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Vlastita naklada, 2017.
Srpski. Ćirilica. Broširano.