Profil Internacional
Kaptol 25
Naslovi u ponudi
Fališ mi - autobiografski roman. Druga knjiga: jesen/ljeto
Profil Internacional, 2010.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
9,75 €
Gazela i Kosac
Margaret Atwood described the novel as speculative fiction and adventure romance rather than pure science fiction, as it does not deal with things that "we cannot yet do or begin to do", but it goes beyond the amount of realism she associates with the nov
Profil Internacional, 2003.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
10,76 €
Gertruda i Klaudije
An exciting story about deception in a time when forbidden love was much more dangerous than it is today.
Profil Internacional, 2005.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
8,17 €
Gospođa tužiteljica (Carla Del Ponte)
Profil Internacional, 2008.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
3,46 - 3,48 €
Hrvatica, majka, katolkinja, nepušačica...
Daniela's columns are honest reading with a very open view of reality and a healthy self-irony that turns to small things in life and makes them - spectacles.
Profil Internacional, 2008.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
3,42 €
Jezichnica horvatzko-slavinzka za hasen slavincev
Profil Internacional, 2008.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
3,28 - 3,99 €
Kako je to bilo - Portret mog braka s Raymondom Carverom
Der Autor beschreibt 25 Jahre Ehe mit Raymond Carver.
Profil Internacional, 2008.
Hrvatski. Latinica. Broširano.
13,42 €