U registraturi
The novel "U registraturi" was published in 1888, in sequels in the literary magazine "Vijenac", and was published as a book only in 1911, and represents the peak of the work of Ante Kovačić (1854-1889), Croatian novelist and poet.
Although classified among the classics of Croatian realism, Kovačić's great novel is a torso that absorbs conflicting worldviews and poetics: in it we find a spectrum of situations and motives that encompass the canonical rules of romanticism, realism and naturalism. Created in a fire, untouched and torn, Kovačić's magnum opus is the most impressive work of Croatian narrative prose of the second half of the 19th century.
This edition presents the novel in its original form.
Jedan primjerak je u ponudi
- Spuren von Patina