Isaac Bashevis Singer
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Gimpel luda
Singer's tendency towards mysticism, grotesque, folklore and eroticism is also expressed in this collection of short stories. The characters are subject to strong passions, and the real intertwines with the imaginary.
Izabrane priče za decu
Izgubljen u Americi
This novel tells about Singer's departure from Poland and his first year as an emigrant in America, where he will stay for the rest of his life.
Lik i druge pripovijesti
Muškatovi, sv. 1-2
"The Moskats" (1986) is an epic novel that follows the story of the Moskat family in Poland.
Neprijatelji / ljubavna priča
Enemies: A Love Story, perhaps Singer's best-known novel, takes place in New York in the 1950s.
Sotona u Goraju / Izgubljen u Americi
Satan in Goraj is a story about religious hysteria that arose in Poland in the middle of the 17th century. The action takes place at a time when the expectations of the Jews that the Messiah will come to them reaches its peak...