Fred Saberhagen


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Futura - Znanstvena fantastika & fantasy #20/1994

Futura - Znanstvena fantastika & fantasy #20/1994

Fred Saberhagen, Marina Jadrejčić, Robert Lynn Asprin, Robert A. Heinlein, Romana Kovačić, Tomisl...

Futura magazine was a Croatian magazine for speculative fiction, primarily for science fiction literature. The first issue of Futura was published in October 1992.

Bakal, 1994.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Sirius: Biblioteka znanstvene fantastike - broj 74

Sirius: Biblioteka znanstvene fantastike - broj 74

Fred Saberhagen, Ružica Ključec, Ray Bradbury, Denis Ivković, Michael Bishop, Robert Silverberg, ...

Sirius was a Croatian science fiction magazine. The foundation was proposed by Damir Mikuličić in 1976. In Sirius, the works of domestic authors, as well as translations of foreign SF authors, were published. It was published from 1976 to 1989.

Vjesnik, 1982.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Sirius: Biblioteka znanstvene fantastike - broj 78

Sirius: Biblioteka znanstvene fantastike - broj 78

S. P. Somtow, Biljana Mateljan, Željko Golubović, Živko Prodanović, Aleksandar B. Nedeljković, Go...

Sirius was a Croatian science fiction magazine. The foundation was proposed by Damir Mikuličić in 1976. In Sirius, the works of domestic authors, as well as translations of foreign SF authors, were published. It was published from 1976 to 1989.

Vjesnik, 182.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
3.44 - 3.48