U čast demokratije: Najlepše građevine i prostori sveta
Harry C. Lindinger
The book "In Honor of Democracy" belongs to the collection of books "The Most Beautiful Buildings and Spaces of the World" and deals with symbols of democratic rule, such as the Acropolis of Athens, the Municipality of Basel, the London Parliament, the Wh
Original title
I centri della democrazia: I 100 monumenti che hanno fatto la civilta dell'uomo
The book belongs to the "Most Beautiful Buildings and Spaces of the World" book collection. This book talks about famous world churches and temples such as Milan Cathedral, Horjudža in Nara and others.
The book "Homes of the Kings" belongs to the collection of books "The Most Beautiful Buildings and Spaces of the World" and deals with royal castles such as the Palace of Versailles, Persepolis, the Kremlin and others.
Vuk Karadžić, 1986.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
The book "The world of pleasure" belongs to the collection of books "The most beautiful buildings and spaces of the world" and deals with "pleasure castles", such as Hampton Court, Peter's Castle, Spanish Square in Rome and others.
Vuk Karadžić, 1987.
Serbian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
7.24 €
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