Izabrani politički spisi (drugi svezak)

Izabrani politički spisi (drugi svezak)

John Stuart Mill

According to Mill, happiness is happiness in dignity and it is measured by dignity. Dignity is a criterion of morality.

Mill tries to save the basic principle of utilitarianism by freeing it from one-sided quantitative determinism. Even earlier, utilitarians recognized the higher value of spiritual pleasures over physical ones, but reduced that higher value to a quantitative moment (according to them, spiritual pleasures are more valuable because they are permanent, and more intense-quantitative determination). They essentially reduced the qualitative difference to a quantitative one. Mill just points out the qualitative side of spiritual pleasure, the higher rank of which results from the fact that this pleasure is specific to the human race, which prevents a higher human being from living the life of a lower spiritual being, even if he had all the bodily pleasures. That is human dignity!

Original title
Collected works of John Stuart Mill
Karmen Bašić
Ivan Prpić
20 x 12.5 cm
Informator, Zagreb, 1989.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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