Machu Picchu - Izgubljena planina Inka

Machu Picchu - Izgubljena planina Inka

Francesco Silvestri

The great secrets of archaeology

The first book in the "Great Secrets of Archaeology" series is dedicated to the most famous city of the Incas. After the description of the city itself, the book also offers a broader cultural and historical picture of the same, so that in addition to the discovery of the ruins, it shows the life and religion of the Incas and their dynasty, the civilizations that lived there before them, the arrival of the conquistadors and what Peru is like today. Richly equipped with color photos and written in simple language, the book is intended for everyone who wants to expand their knowledge about the city itself and the Inca culture.

Dialektos d. O. O.
Cinzia Caiazzo
21 x 17 cm
EPH media d. o. o., Zagreb, 2013.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

Two copies are available

Copy number 1

Condition:Used, excellent condition

Copy number 2

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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