Poslovanje u vanjskoj trgovini
The most important lesson from the book "Foreign trade - how to do business abroad" is the understanding of international trade customs, terms and rules.
INTRODUCTION TO THE WORLD OF FOREIGN TRADE Foreign trade and foreign trade operations; marketing preparation for foreign market appearances; how to use international fairs and international auctions; instructions for doing business on commodity exchanges; how specialized foreign trade intermediaries operate; international trade customs, terms and rules; transport clauses and their use in practice; foreign trade, foreign exchange and customs system of the Republic of Croatia, etc. OPERATIONAL BUSINESS IN FOREIGN TRADE Use of business information in foreign trade; how to use information over the Internet; how to establish a business relationship abroad and choose a business partner; entrepreneurship in foreign trade; instructions for establishing and operating your own trading company in foreign trade; how to contract foreign trade deals; preparation of foreign trade calculations in business practice; commodity, transport, insurance, financial, customs and other business documentation in foreign trade; payment instruments in business with foreign countries; business risks and risk insurance in foreign trade, etc. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRACTICAL WORK IN FOREIGN TRADE Preparation, contracting and execution of foreign trade business transactions in economic practice: export, import, re-export, leasing, technology transfer, joint ventures, consignment sales of foreign goods, tourist arrangements with foreign countries, etc.
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