Isusov život

Isusov život

Ellen G. White

Six billion people live on our planet today. We are divided by numerous differences: gender, race, religion, language, customs and space. We also have something in common: we breathe the same air, we all have red blood, we all need food, rest and shelter.

And of course, we all want happiness, that elusive and vague thing that we search for all our lives. Some try to find it in wealth, some in fame, some in power and parties. We all want happiness. We all yearn for her - all of us. In all historical periods, people have strived for it. We cannot find happiness in things, fame, power or pleasures. It can only be found in a Person. You can probably guess who that Person is. This book is His story. The book Life of Jesus is the end of your search.

Original title
The desire of ages
Smaragda Stefanović
Josip Perišić
20 x 13 cm
Znaci vremena, Zagreb, 2008.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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