Govor životinja: Duhovne i magične moći velikih i malih životinja
Open your heart and mind to the wisdom of the animal world. Coyotes call us to adapt to changing circumstances. Lions embody strength and courage. Otters remind us to find time to play.
Animals have so many lessons they want to impart to humans, but before we can learn their lessons, we must learn to speak to them. "Animal Speech" offers techniques for recognizing and interpreting the signs and omens of the natural world. Get to know and study animals in the role of totems, power animals and spirits of nature with the help of the language you will use to recognize their behavior in the physical world, identify, make happy and adapt to your spiritual animals. Discover the power and spiritual meaning of over hundreds of different animals, birds, insects and reptiles. Summon the protective powers of your animal totems. Master four techniques for understanding bird language. Explore the enchanting stories of the exotic languages of reptiles and insects. Create and use five magical animal rituals, including shapeshifting and sacred dance. This best-selling guide has already become a classic handbook and reference point for anyone seeking a spiritual connection with the magnificent power and mystery of the animal world.
Ted Andrews was a popular metaphysical author, teacher and lecturer. He was a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and longtime volunteer at the Brukner Conservation Center in Troy, Ohio, USA. He has written more than forty books, including works such as The Healer's Manual, How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides, How to Heal with Color, and Sacred Dance.
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