Samadhi i Siddhi
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Samadhi i Siddhi

Sri Chinmoy

"Samadhi and Siddhi" by Sri Chinmoy explores the profound aspects of yoga and spiritual attainment.

In this book, the author explains the concepts of samadhi (a state of deep meditation and oneness with the universe) and siddhi (supernatural abilities or spiritual powers that can be developed through practice).

Summary of main topics:

Samadhi: Chinmoy describes the different levels of samadhi, emphasizing its importance in spiritual development. He explains how the attainment of samadhi can be experienced through discipline, meditation and devotion.

Siddhi: The author explores various siddhis, such as telepathy, levitation and other supernatural abilities. It explains how these powers can manifest as a result of deep spiritual practice, but also emphasizes the need for proper intention and an ethical approach.

Practicing Yoga: The book provides insight into practical methods of meditation and yoga, along with spiritual guidance for attaining samadhi and developing siddhi.

Spiritual Philosophy: Sri Chinmoy promotes the idea that the real goal of spiritual practice is to transcend the personal ego and achieve unity with the higher world.

The book is inspirational and provides deep insight into the potential of human spirituality, emphasizing the importance of discipline, commitment and inner growth.

Original title
Samadhi and Siddhi
Gorana Karan
18 x 12 cm
Vlastita naklada, Zagreb, 1994.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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