U traganju za izgubljenim vremenom II - Put k Swannu 2: Jedna Swannova ljubav / Put k Swannu 3: Zavičajna imena - Ime

U traganju za izgubljenim vremenom II - Put k Swannu 2: Jedna Swannova ljubav / Put k Swannu 3: Zavičajna imena - Ime

The Road to Swann is the first part of Proust's cycle of novels In Search of Lost Time. This work is about the narrator's memories of the time he spent as a boy in the town of Combray, in his aunt Léonie's house.

The Road to Swann is the first of the seven parts of the extensive novel In Search of Lost Time (The Road to Swann, In the Shadow of Blooming Girls, Duchesse de Guermantes, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Prisoner, The Fugitive and Time Found) while One Swan's Love and Native Names are the others and the third part of the first published novel. Marcel Proust is followed by the unsurpassed fame of an artist of words, and literary criticism does not allow this supreme monument to the artistic vocation to sink into the sands of time.

Original title
À la recherche du temps perdu: Du côté de chez Swann
Tin Ujević
Novak Simić
Graphics design
Edo Murtić
19.5 x 12.5 cm
Zora, Zagreb, 1965.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • The cover is missing

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