Iza devet velova
Irena Stanić Rašin is truly a master and master of the poetic word, which always and undeniably carries a huge wealth of meanings, secrets and secrets. Irena's exciting and virtuoso poetic "variations on a theme" are a valuable contribution to Croatian po
Irena Stanić Rašin sharpens the links of the broken chain of Croatian connected verse and rushes with all her soul into the aesthetic transformation of reality and text. It is decorated with beautiful lexicon, sumptuous stylistic figures, idioms, idioms, old courtly (but also modern, "wacky") words, sometimes jargon (in an ironic sense), but it is always femininely far from fashionable street speech and the inflation of empty words. . Armed with talent to the teeth, the author managed to portray almost all the metastases of whimsical civilization with great humorous linguistic gymnastics and powerful sarcasm in this unusual stylistic odyssey. Lada Žigo Španić, from the Preface We curiously unfold Irena's nine veils woven from 99 diverse fabrics (poems), enjoying their distinctive colors and textures, discovering what is hidden behind them and analyzing the intellectual and aesthetic richness of the numerous verbal miracles of the sorceress of words.
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