Zakon života i slobode: razmišljanja o Deset Božjih zapovijedi
The book Law of Life and Freedom: Reflections on the Ten Commandments of God by Cardinal Franjo Kuharić is a deep spiritual reflection on God's law as a fundamental guide for a fulfilled and free life.
Through the Ten Commandments, Cardinal Kuharić interprets not only moral norms but also God's call to love, responsibility and justice. He considers each commandment in the context of contemporary challenges, emphasizing their universal applicability and importance for human dignity. He points out that the commandments are not restrictions, but a path to freedom that is realized through respect for God, neighbors and oneself. Kuharić invites readers to personal renewal and deepening of faith and to living God's word in everyday life. The book is both meditative and practical, helping believers understand and apply God's commandments as a source of spiritual strength and moral guidance.
One copy is available