This book will introduce you to just some of the killers who marked the last century with their crimes.
I chose the killers at my own discretion, according to the cruelty of their crimes, according to what kind of "fame" they gained for their deeds, and more or less according to the impression they left on me. Therefore, if I have omitted some of them, it is not because they are less important or their crimes are less significant, but solely because it would be impossible to fit them all into a book of this format. Equally, this book does not intend to explain why people do all these horrible things, but simply presents the facts about them. It is terrible when we think that this is not a book about imagined events but about real people who really committed all these crimes and luckily for them were more or less successfully punished. That is why all those who believe in evil should perhaps ask themselves whether the primordial thing that makes it up should be sought in the beasts of nightmares or in the pit of Hell or if that evil is much, much closer. Perhaps we should look deeper and find the primordial evil in man himself.
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