Prijatelju, kako si? Ljekoviti psihološki razgovori o povjerenju, strpljivosti i suosjećanju.
By describing typical and sometimes not so typical life situations, the author also in this book enabled many readers to get encouragement, strengthen their self-confidence or "just" gain insight into the potential causes and solutions of everyday life si
To understand your goals and plans, advantages and difficulties, means to understand life and thereby give it additional meaning.
The story and witty, lucid commentary enable the reader to feel that he is "participating", that he can find a part of himself in parts of individual stories and thus be active in experiencing the text.
This book very successfully manages to narrate even the most complex phenomena in a language that is understandable to everyone, which opens the door to self-knowledge even for those who not only closed it but also locked it a long time ago.
The vitality and immediacy of the stories will make you laugh, cry or think. One thing is certain — not a single story will leave you indifferent.
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