Promjene ili propast

Promjene ili propast

Zlatko Miliša

Coincidence is an invented word to cover up the importance of the connection between facts, people and events, so I am sending that, as the most important message, as an incentive for CHANGES!

Changes are necessary, because the world is shaken by anti-civilizational conflicts and deepening divisions. It is never too late for social and personal change. I discover the strategies of paralyzing critical thinking, warfare and subjugation, debt slavery, crisis hotspots, manipulation of people, and when we look at the consequences of the dictatorship of radical moral relativism, risky behavior, defectism and indifference to the suffering of others, it will be the first sign that we are emerging from the jaws of managed chaos.

Graphics design
Bruno Lovrić
24 x 17 cm
Miro, obrt za nakladničku djelatnost, Virovitica, 2022.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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