Vanguard, from America Reads Galaxy Series
Varšavske beležnice : (1978 - 1984)
One of the leading Polish writers from the end of the 20th century published his Diaries in 1981 and 1982, which cover the turbulent period of events in Poland in 1978-1984. This is a book of selections from those diary entries.
Velazquez (with fifty plates in full colour)
This book is a biography of the Spanish painter Diego Velázquez (1599-1660). Contains 50 color plates depicting the artist's works.
Velebit - Iskustvo planine
Velika enciklopedija neriješenih zagonetki 1-2
Velika ilustrirana enciklopedija: Ocean
Everything you've ever wanted to know about the seas and oceans you'll find in this comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia. The most interesting, the most exhaustive, the most accurate information from now on in one place.
Velike obmane Drugog svjetskog rata 1: Prisluškujte Hitlera
The book "Eavesdropping on Hitler" by Anthony C. Brown provides a fascinating account of Allied covert operations during World War II, focusing on the wiretapping of high-ranking German officials.
Velike obmane Drugog svjetskog rata 2: Dvostruki špijuni
The book "Double Spies" by Anthony C. Brown explores the complex world of espionage during World War II, with an emphasis on the role of double agents in deceiving Nazi Germany.
Velike obmane Drugog svjetskog rata 3: Dan "D" u oklopu laži
Anthony C. Brown's book "D-Day in Armor of Lies" provides a detailed look at the intelligence and disinformation campaign that preceded the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944.
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