
Les assassins et leurs miroirs: Reflexion a propos de la catastrophe yougoslave

Les assassins et leurs miroirs: Reflexion a propos de la catastrophe yougoslave

Annie Le Brun
Terrain vague, 1993.
French. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Lichter im Dunkel: Flucht und Rettung eines jüdischen Ehepaares im Dritten Reich

Lichter im Dunkel: Flucht und Rettung eines jüdischen Ehepaares im Dritten Reich

Max Krakauer

From January 29, 1943 to April 23, 1945, the Jewish couple Ines and Max Krakauer were on the run from their persecutors through the Germany of the Third Reich.

Quell Verlag Stuttgart, 1975.
German. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ličnosti o kojima se govori - Barry Goldwater

Ličnosti o kojima se govori - Barry Goldwater

Ivo Mihovilović
Stvarnost, 1964.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ličnosti o kojima se govori - Lyndon Johnson

Ličnosti o kojima se govori - Lyndon Johnson

Zvonimir Kristl
Stvarnost, 1964.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Lijepa naša domovina i drugi putopisi

Lijepa naša domovina i drugi putopisi

Antun Gustav Matoš

The collection contains Our Beautiful Homeland, Around the Lobor and about twenty other travelogues, with the addition of notes, interpreters and dictionaries for each individual travelogue.

Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1987.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Lijepa opasnost

Lijepa opasnost

Michel Foucault
MeandarMedia, 2015.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ljubav na matematički

Ljubav na matematički

Nenad Kuzmanović
Centar znanja, 2015.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Ljubuški kraj, ljudi i vrijeme

Ljubuški kraj, ljudi i vrijeme

Proceedings of the scientific symposium held in Ljubuški on August 11 and 12, 1995.

Naša djeca, 1996.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Ljudi u ratu : najvažniji faktor opštenarodne odbrane

Ljudi u ratu : najvažniji faktor opštenarodne odbrane

Branko Borojević
Globus, 1981.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Lonely Planet - England

Lonely Planet - England

David Else, Oliver Berry, Fionn Davenport, Belinda Dixon

Eight authors, over 180 days of in-country research, 78 detailed maps. Full-color chapter on England's great outdoors. Interviews with a top chef, a pioneering city mayor and a York ghost-tour guide...

Lonely planet, 2009.
English. Latin alphabet. Paperback.