Politički zemljopis hrvatskih zemalja : geopolitička studija
The book is rich in poetic descriptions and analyses, and provides insight into the historical and political contexts of Croatian countries.
Politika u Hrvatskoj
Frano Supilo was a prominent Croatian politician and journalist, known for his work at the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the context of the Yugoslav movement and the fight against Hungarianization and Germanization.
Po Skandinaviji: crtice iz Švedske, Norveške i Danske (s 12 slika)
Posljednje tri minute: Priča o svršetku svemira
Paraphrasing the title of Weinberg's acclaimed book The First 3 Minutes, renowned physicist Paul Davies wrote The Last 3 Minutes, in which he made scientifically based assumptions about the ultimate fate or end of our universe.
Posljednji kineski car
Povest o Sonječki
Povijest čovječanstva
This book is intended for those who do not have time to study history textbooks.
Povijest Hrvatske 1945.-2011. (1-3.svezak)
Goldstein's "History of Croatia" is one of the most reliable books published in the past period, especially rich in historical works.
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