Impresije iz književnosti i pozorišta
Impresionisti i postimpresionisti u muzejima Sovjetskog Saveza
The book consists of an introduction by Marina A. Besonova, a part with reproductions (294) and a 75-page catalog, which was made by Ana G. Barska and collaborators.
Indija: Velike civilizacije 9
A book that celebrates India's cultural heritage - from Hindu and Buddhist sages to the magnificent art and architecture of the Mughal Empire.
Intimni dodir: više užitka i zadovoljstva u spolnom životu
Iso Kršnjavi kao graditelj – izgradnja i obnova obrazovnih, kulturnih i umjetničkih spomenika u Hrvatskoj
Unthinkable without Strossmayer, possible after Mažuranić, and during Khuen's era it couldn't have been any different - the right man at the right time. Second edition.
Istarske freske / Istrianische fresken: 12 reprodukcija
The large amount of preserved wall painting in a relatively small area such as Istria is amazing. There are approximately 140 localities, from large and sumptuous fresco cycles to individual scenes and small fragments.
Istina u slikarstvu: Pisma, izjave, svedočanstva, tragovi
Istorija džeza
The book presents a complete history of the most enduring original American music.
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