Zamke pod Plješevicom
Za Mladež i Starež (izbor iz djela)
One of the most prolific Croatian writers of our time shares the fate of several others similar to him, that is, the most diligent and educated in contemporary Croatian literature.
Za novim putem: novele
"Za novi putem" is a collection of novels by Augusto Cesarco, originally published in 1919. This work is characteristic of his early creative period, marked by modernist aspirations and social sensitivity.
Za pet godina
Dannie Kohan lives life by the numbers. She is nothing like her longtime best friend – the wild, capricious Bella who believes in fate.
Zapisano u kostima
Strong, unpredictable, with shocking plots, the novel written in the bones is a new and literally maddening thriller from this great British storyteller.
Zapisci Maltea Lauridsa Briggea
Ovaj roman R. M. Rilkea je označio prijelomnu točku u razvoju europskog romana napuštajući fabulu i realističko pripovijedanje.
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