
Ueber die Quellen des Volkswohlstandes

Ueber die Quellen des Volkswohlstandes

Adam Smith

Newly edited by Dr. C.W. Asher, corresponding member of the Commission centrale de Statistique du Royaume Belge, the statistical societies of London and Frankfurt a. M. and the Societe d'economie charitable in Paris.

Verlag von J. Engelhorn, 1861.
German. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
The book consists of two volumes
Upravljanje pomoću misija

Upravljanje pomoću misija

Pablo Cardona, Carlos Rey

This book deals with management by missions (MBM), the main idea of ​​which is the distribution of corporate missions and goals to all levels of the company.

Mate d.o.o, 2010.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Upravna znanost (izbor radova)

Upravna znanost (izbor radova)

J. Moreau, R. Mayntz, F. W. Schapf, M. Mulder, A. Dunsire, N. Luhmann, J. P. Olsen

The book deals with the concept of administration and its meaning in contemporary society. It studies the development, role, types and models of administration.

Naprijed, 1995.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Uvod u poslovnu etiku i korporacijsku društvenu odgovornost

Uvod u poslovnu etiku i korporacijsku društvenu odgovornost

Kristijan Krkač

For the first time on the Croatian market, in accordance with world trends, this book dedicated to business ethics and social-corporate business responsibility was published.

Mate d.o.o, 2007.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Zakon o radu - Primjeri ugovora, odluka, sporazuma i pravilnika

Zakon o radu - Primjeri ugovora, odluka, sporazuma i pravilnika

Darko Terek, Marija Zuber

The "Labor Law" is an important legal document that regulates labor relations and the rights of workers in Croatia.

Hrvatska zajednica računovođa, 2010.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Za svijet bez siromaštva - Socijalna poduzeća i budućnost kapitalizma

Za svijet bez siromaštva - Socijalna poduzeća i budućnost kapitalizma

Muhammad Yunus, Karl Weber
VBZ, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Život kao igra

Život kao igra

Velimir Srića

The manual in which the author, a professor of management, through a series of different mental models, created on the basis of his own experience in business and social life, offers answers to a series of questions that every businessman asks himself.

Algoritam, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Zur Kritik bürgerlicher Didaktik und Bildungsökonomie

Zur Kritik bürgerlicher Didaktik und Bildungsökonomie

Freerk Huisken
List Verlag München, 1972.
German. Latin alphabet. Paperback.