Medicinska kriminalistika
Textbook for forensic and medical treatment of violent and suspicious death
Naučno otkrivanje zločina
The book deals with the methods and techniques of criminal investigation.
Pregled sudske prakse Vrhovnog suda Hrvatske u godini 1971.
Primjena poligrafske tehnike u organima unutrašnjih poslova u SFRJ
The paper analyzes the criminal issues of the use of the polygraph and the polygraph findings that the employees of the internal affairs bodies encounter on a daily basis when conducting criminal investigations.
Privredna kriminalistika: metodika otkrivanja, dokazivanja, razjašnjavanja i prevencije privrednog kriminaliteta
This book deals with the methods of detecting, proving, resolving and preventing economic crime.
Suvremena tehnika istraživanja krivičnih djela (kriminalistika)
The book covers various aspects of criminology and is considered a valuable resource in the field.
Suvremena tehnika istraživanja krivičnih djela (kriminalistika)
The book covers various aspects of criminology and is considered a valuable resource in the field.
The Front
The book "The Front" by Patricia Cornwell is the second part of the series about detective Win Garan.
From Article 135 of the Criminal Code in the area of the district court in Osijek
Uviđaj kod saobraćajnih nezgoda na javnim putevima
This book deals with the procedures and methods of investigating traffic accidents on public roads.
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