Alternative medicine
Kako živjeti dulje i osjećati se bolje
Simple and inexpensive procedures that anyone can adopt to ensure a longer and better life in which there will be more happiness and satisfaction, and less suffering and illness.
Knjiga o zdravlju za cijelu obitelj
A practical manual that covers a wide range of topics related to health and disease prevention. The book was designed as a guide for everyday health care, suitable for all generations - from children to the elderly.
Korisne samonikle biljke: Opis i upotreba
The world of wild edible plants is really big, there are certainly thousands of species from small plants, shrubs to trees. In this book, we provide an overview of the most useful and common species, as well as those that we can easily recognize in nature
Koža svrbi, nos curi, oči peku - Pobijedite alergije
The book explains in the simplest way the allergic diseases known today, the process of getting sick from allergies and the ways of their treatment.
Liječenje čajevima ljekovitog bilja
Prof. Dr. Tucakov, a respected expert on medicinal plants, one of the most recognized in Europe, gives an account of the most important and popular medicinal plants used in folk medicine.
Liječenje refleksologijom
Reflexology is a traditional form of foot massage that activates special energy channels in the body and encourages self-healing.
Lijekovi iz kućne ljekarne: 1000 kućnih pripravaka za vaše zdravlje
Make the most effective natural remedies from eternal ingredients from every kitchen! Do you know that your kitchen and pantry hide ingredients from which you can make as many as 1000 medicines?
A practical book
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