Alternative medicine
1001 domaći lijek: Zdravlje na prirodan način
The book 1001 Home Remedies: Health the Natural Way by Eberhard L. Hartmann offers a rich source of tips and recipes for maintaining health using natural methods.
Activated Microglia After Traumatic Brain Injury The Neuroinflammatory Mastermind
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of long-term disability and a significant health-care and socioeconomic problem worldwide.
Alternativna medicina
The most comprehensive selection of natural treatment methods. Richly illustrated with drawings, photographs and diagrams.
Bol u leđima: prirodno liječenje
- osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis - nutrition, therapies, massage, exercises, herbal treatment
Homeopatske remedije indikovane za temperaturu i kašalj
The book provides a detailed overview of homeopathic approaches to treating these common symptoms. It is intended for practitioners and students of homeopathy, as well as anyone interested in natural methods of treatment.
Hrana najbolji lijek
This book is intended to introduce you to what I consider to be the most natural substances and the best natural remedies.
Kako čuvati zdravlje i izbjeći bolesti: Priručnik za zdrav i dug život
Kako očuvati zdravlje osjetila
A manual that will help you live a quality life that you will really enjoy. The smell of cut grass, a beautiful sunset, the gentle touch of silk, children's laughter, cake that melts in your mouth...
A practical book
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