Lekcionar Bernardina Splićanina 1495.
Reprint of the 1885 edition published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, edited and preface written by Tomo Maretić. The reprint was edited and the foreword was written by Josip Bratulić.
Although the two Dubrovnik Latin incunabula, the Prayer book (Office of the BDM + Seven psalms of the humble) and the Office (Office of the Holy Karst + Office of the Holy Spirit) are certainly older than the Lectionary of Bernardin Splićanin, that lectionary occupies an honorable place among Croatian Latin incunabula not only because it is dated but also because of the significance it has for Croatian literary and linguistic history. It is a book that was influenced by the efforts of previous Croatian generations, especially Glagolitic authors, and was later used and copied, in Latin and Bosnian, in different Croatian regions. As it is a book that contains readings on Sundays and holidays, which was therefore often read in church, the claim of Croatian philologists that this book had a very strong influence on the formation of the common Croatian language idiom is fully justified. It is as if the history and the future of the Croatian language meet in it.
One copy is available