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Der deutsche Geschäftsbrief / Njemačko poslovno dopisivanje
"German Business Correspondence" by Blanka Jakić is a textbook intended for students, business people and anyone who wants to master business communication skills in German.
Derviš i smrt
Dervish and Death is a psychological novel by Meša Selimović written in the period from 1962 to 1966 and is considered his most successful work.
Derviš i smrt
Dervish and Death is a psychological novel by Meša Selimović written in the period from 1962 to 1966 and is considered his most successful work.
This book, awarded in 1888 at the "Kuriera Warszawskiego" contest, is set in Žmudža and describes the history of the protected environment on the estate, similar to the epic "Nad Niemnem" by Eliza Orzeszkowej.
Deveti krug
Bernadac's book provides an insight into the horrors that took place within the camp walls, exploring human suffering and resistance in the most difficult conditions.
Die gesunde Küche : Das grosse Gesundheits, Schlankheits- und Diätkochbuch
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