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Mentalni poremećaji u djece i omladine 3.
Metodika nastave filma na općeobrazovnoj razini
Film teaching methodology is a basic manual for teaching film as part of media culture in elementary school, a comprehensive and comprehensive source of knowledge for students and professors, but also for all other interested readers.
Zamyatin's novel "We", written back in 1921, is an expression of the author's disillusionment with socialist ideas and a kind of rebellion against military communism in the USSR.
Michael: Jerryjev brat
Michael, Jerry's Brother is a novel by Jack London published in 1917. This novel is loosely related to his previous novel Jerry the Islander, also published in 1917.
The book "Mickiewicz" by Mieczysław Jastrun is a biographical work about Adam Mickiewicz, one of the most famous Polish poets and national heroes.
Mi djeca s kolodvora Zoo
Speaking honestly and unreservedly about her life as a heroin addict, Christiane F. made this novel a shocking testimony, both about her own intimacy trapped in the nightmare of addiction.
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