Bilješke za ispravno prikazivanje Židova i židovstva u propovijedanju i katehezi Katoličke crkve
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St. Michael the Archangel is the leader of the spiritual battle against Lucifer and his satanic army, and he is especially invoked in moments of spiritual struggle.
The prayer book Devotion to St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić contains a short biography of St. Leopold, two novenas, litanies, and various prayers for the intercession of St. Leopold: for family, health, the Croatian people, various graces, the sick and those wh
The work of Archimandrite Justin Popović, one of the most important Serbian theologians of the 20th century. This book presents a detailed exegetical and spiritual interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, known for its deeply theological and mystical approach
The devotion to the Three Hail Marys continues in our days to bring fruits of conversion and salvation to everyone who prays it with faith and perseverance.
Reprint of the 1885 edition published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, edited and preface written by Tomo Maretić. The reprint was edited and the foreword was written by Josip Bratulić.
The prayer booklet Daily Devotions contains a daily devotion to the Holy Spirit, Merciful Jesus, the Heavenly Mother, and a favorite saint, St. Anthony of Padua, as an encouragement for daily prayer.