Ostani, ostani uza me - Prepjevi strane poezije
Stay, stay with me is a real little literary gem that will be enjoyed by everyone, both those who love Tadia the poet and those who love Tadia the translator.
Tadia's renditions of poems by ten poets: Vítezslav Nezval, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Friedrich Hoelderlin, Novalis, Heinrich Heine, Jakob van Hoddis, Valery Larbaud, Ivan Cankar, Anton Vodnik and Edvard Kocbek, although published in periodicals and Tadia's songbooks, appear first path in a separate book. These renditions of foreign poetry were created for a little more than half a century, from 1936, when Tadija's rendition of Nezval's Akrobata was first published, until 1988, when Tadija translated Hoelderlin's poem Mladim pjesnikim.
One copy is available