Sexual Healing: Identity, Sexuality, Calling

Sexual Healing: Identity, Sexuality, Calling

Gerald Coates

Porn addiction is an increasing phenomena. Easy to access over the internet, by PC, tablet or phone and available on TV and in print, it is corrupting to those who view and exploitative of those who appear in it.

In this book Nathan Ferreira, who was addicted to porn for four years in his late teens, describes how he became involved in porn and how his involvement with it brought him to the edge of suicide. He describes his deliverance from its grip and the steps he now takes to keep himself free from relapse. Gerald Coates brings a wealth of pastoral wisdom and experience to the book bringing teaching and counsel to those still trapped by porn - or those wishing to help them - and how they might break free from its trap into the same librty now experienced by Nathan.

21.5 x 14 cm
New Wine Press, Bognor Regis, 2012.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: English.

One copy is available


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