Realizmi dvadesetih godina: magično – klasično – objektivno u hrvatskom slikarstvu
The book "Realisms of the Twenties" established a new lens in looking at our artistic phenomena of that period in the context of contemporary European tendencies.
The already observed fact that the painting of the third decade stands out as a coherent stylistic formation of differently viewed "realisms", gave the author Ivanka Reberski an incentive to more fully review this artistic phenomenon. The high and uniform achievements of our painters coincided with the tendencies of the "new realisms", which at that time emerged in the most diverse forms among the leading art movements in the whole of Europe. In the painterly panorama of the decade, all aspects of the experience of reality were considered: from magical realism and neoclassical idealization of reality, through objective representation and chronicling to the highly engaged criticism of society manifestly expressed in the paintings of the Zemlja group. In this book, the author includes an anthological series of about forty of the most important painters, whose works, which illustrate a comprehensive interpretation of the painting of the third decade, form a kind of anthology of Croatian interwar painting.
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