Ilustrirana Biblija - Novi zavjet

Ilustrirana Biblija - Novi zavjet

Stories from the New Testament, from the birth of Jesus to his death and resurrection, as well as the journeys of the apostles, are told clearly and vividly.

All the key characters are shown, such as John who foretold the coming of the Messiah, Mary Magdalene, the despised woman whom Jesus loved, and Judas who betrayed his Lord for thirty pieces of silver. Rich illustrations and lively language help to understand the miracles and parables of Jesus' ministry. Since the stories in this collection are strung together in historical sequence, the reader will gain a good insight into the development and spread of Christianity.

Original title
Illustrated bible stories
23 x 16.5 cm
Marjan tisak, Split
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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