Međunarodno privatno pravo – opći dio

Međunarodno privatno pravo – opći dio

Krešimir Sajko

Private international law is a branch of law within the legal system of a country that contains legal rules, principles and methods for solving private law situations with international characteristics.

The name private international law was first introduced by the American legal theorist Joseph Story (1789 – 1845). Today, in the Anglo-Saxon legal circle, the name "law of the conflict of laws" prevails. In situations with an international character, the courts of one country apply the law of a foreign country or the laws of several foreign countries under certain assumptions. The law of which country the court will apply to a particular legal situation is determined by the rules on determining the applicable law, which are called conflict of law rules.

Sanja Perić
Graphics design
Sara Roller
24 x 17 cm
Informator, Zagreb, 1996.
Distribution: 2,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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