Viktimologija: studije o žrtvama

Viktimologija: studije o žrtvama

Zvonimir Šeparović

The book is known for its detailed analysis and research on various aspects of victimology, including psychological, social and legal aspects of victims.

"Victimology: studies on victims" is a book by Zvonimir Šeparović from 1985. This book is significant because it deals with the study of victims of criminal offenses and their rights. Šeparović was one of the pioneers in this field and the founder of the Croatian Sacrifice Society.

Milan Ramljak
Graphics design
Božo Jušić
20 x 14 cm
Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1985.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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