Pravci u lingvistici

Pravci u lingvistici

Milka Ivić

This book by Milka Ivić is a collection of essays and essays in the field of linguistics.

The book "Directions in Linguistics" went through eight supplemented editions from 1963 to 2001. This book has been translated into a dozen languages ​​and has become an important source for the study of different linguistic trends and theories. Milka Ivić was a prominent representative of Serbian Slavic studies and general linguistics. Her research included the history of linguistics, linguistic typology, structural morphology, syntax and semantics of Slavic languages ​​and standard Novostokavian. Milka Ivić left a lasting mark on the linguistic community and her contribution continues to inspire researchers around the world.

Graphics design
Nađa Furlan
20 x 14 cm
Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1978.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Serbian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Signature of previous owner
  • Traces of patina

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