Kriminologija i socijalna patologija

Kriminologija i socijalna patologija

Zvonimir Šeparović

This extensive work covers various aspects of criminology and social pathology, including social problems and the experiences of crime victims.

The book "Criminology and Social Pathology" by Zvonimir Šeparović deals with the study of crime and social deviations. The book deals with topics such as the causes of criminal behavior, the influence of social factors on crime, and the experiences of crime victims. Different types of social pathologies, such as alcoholism, drug addiction and violence, and their effects on society are also considered.

Smiljko Sokol
Graphics design
Dražen Cukrov
24 x 17 cm
Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1981.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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