Sva čuda svijeta (velike znanosti iz čitava svijeta od piramide do kozmodroma)
The circle of seven wonders of the ancient world has been expanded by the author to include sixty of the most beautiful wonders of today.
This is how a panorama of awe-inspiring sights from Europe, America, Africa and Asia was created. Some of the included wonders are the Taj Mahal, Niagara Falls, the Great Wall of China, Hagia Sophia. A world wonder? What is that? There is no unambiguous description of that term. All classical definitions rely on the famous list of seven wonders of the ancient world and say: these ancient buildings, created more than two thousand years ago, were considered the most miraculous, sensational, most admirable and grandiose works of human hands due to their size and beauty. But today the world has become smaller and the number of miracles, primarily in the field of huge technical buildings, is growing year by year. So here we have chosen sixty of the most amazing, beautiful wonders that man has created so far, from the Egyptian pyramids to the technological achievements that open the door to the new millennium. However, the law on what is a wonder of the world has never existed, there is no final decision and there never will be, because the world is too diverse and lives too fast, it is too beautiful and so full of miracles.
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