Suvremena katolička enciklopedija

Suvremena katolička enciklopedija

The encyclopedia is prepared for quick and easy data searching. Some notes important for Catholicism in Croats that are not in the American original have been added.

Original title
The modern catholic encyclopedia
Živan Filippi, Sanja Matešić, Tihomira Mršić, Miodrag Pavić
Michael Glazier, Monika K. Hellwig, Mato Zovkić
24 x 17 cm
Pages total
Marjan tisak, Split, 2005.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

The book consists of two volumes.

Jedan višetomni primjerak je u ponudi.

Suvremena katolička enciklopedija
Volume 1
Pages: 351
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Suvremena katolička enciklopedija
Volume 2
Pages: 351
Condition:Used, excellent condition

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