Savjest liberala

Savjest liberala

Paul Krugman

The arguments presented by Krugman will prove to be crucial in the coming period.

Paul Krugman, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2008, extremely active author, columnist and blogger, professor at the prestigious American Princeton University, and above all one of the most influential political commentators in his country, brings a provocative bestseller that studies a turbulent century of American history, starting from reforms that were supposed to tame marked economic differences, the so-called Gilded Age, to the resurgence of huge social and political inequalities that have been rampant since the seventies of the 20th century. A decade into the new century, as the global climate shifts anew, Liberal Conscience calls for another major era of comprehensive reform, outlining an agenda for change with universal health insurance at the heart of a New Deal while explaining what can be done to narrow the inequality gap. income, and describing the form of the new political coalition necessary for society to function with not only more equality, but also greater democratic change. Time has shown that all of Krugman's predictions have come true: from the election of Barack Obama to the presidency, to the necessity of health reform. Therefore, along with this book, the Facta library brings an up-to-date foreword by the author, in which he answers some of the fundamental questions: can the American economy be saved, provide a universal health care system for America, and make the nation more thoroughly democratic.

Original title
The conscience of a liberal
Božica Jakovlev
Neven Antičević
Graphics design
Marina Leskovar
23 x 17 cm
Algoritam, Zagreb, 2010.
Distribution: 1,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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