Alzheimerova bolest i druge demencije - rano otkrivanje i zaštita zdravlja
The first book in Croatia on Alzheimer's disease, structured in terms of content through interdisciplinary gerontological research activity, with which eminent experts and scientists of various specialist professions deal with the health protection of the
This is the first university reading on this topic, which was missing in the previous Croatian compulsory educational university literature, and which will significantly contribute to the development of gerontology and geriatrics, especially psychogeriatrics, as well as specialist training in general/family medicine. The manual is aimed at the education and continuous further education of experts from various specialist professions who deal, or will deal, with the health protection of geriatric and psychogeriatric patients with Alzheimer's disease. It is intended for medical students, postgraduates in geriatrics, psychiatry, public health, epidemiology, gerontology, general/family medicine specialists, geriatricians, psychogeriatricians, psychologists, neurologists, geriatric nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, gerontological nutritionists, gerontostomatologists, gerontokinesiologists, occupational therapists for the elderly, and geronto-managers and trainees in the health care of the elderly.
Prof. Ph.D.Sc. Zdravko Ebling (excerpt from the review)
The book is written transparently and clearly, the texts are designed according to modern educational practice, they are didactically well structured, the manual is enriched with tables and pictures, and the presentations of cases from practice add value to it. Protecting the health of the elderly is the main indicator of progress or failure in protecting the health of the entire population. The most modern scientific discipline - gerontology, as well as the most prestigious medical specialization according to the UEMS - geriatrics, prove that the education system is able to respond to the current market of interest in the development of new specialist interdisciplinary gerontological professions, and thus by creating mandatory university teaching literature, the first book in Croatia; Alzheimer's disease and other dementias - early detection and health protection.
Academician Zijad Duraković (excerpt from the review)
One copy is available