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The novel was the first US bestseller to sell more than a million copies. The novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was first published in sequels in the abolitionist magazine National Era, and only later, in 1852, was it published in Boston as a book.
With her novel, Harriet Beecher Stowe polarized the abolitionist and anti-abolitionist debate and encouraged her countrymen to think about black slavery. The characters of the novel are based on those from real life. The main character of the novel - a black slave, Uncle Tom never tasted freedom, he died as a slave on the plantation of his owner Simon Legree. Josiah Henson, a black slave, wrote down his memories after he escaped to freedom, and they served the young Harriet Beecher Stowe for the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
One copy is available
- Traces of patina