Moć sadašnjeg trenutka: vodič prema duhovnom prosvjetljenju

Moć sadašnjeg trenutka: vodič prema duhovnom prosvjetljenju

Eckhart Tolle

»This is one of the best books in the last few years. Every sentence rings with truth and power." Deepak Chopra

Before we start the journey with the book "The Power of the Present Moment", we must leave behind the analytical mind and its falsely created self, that is, the ego. From the beginning of the first chapter, we move quickly towards great heights where we breathe rarer air, the air of the spiritual realm. Eckhart Tolle leads us on this challenging journey in simple language - questions and answers. His words are markers along the path along which many of us will make new discoveries: we are not the mind; we are able to find a path that will lead us out of psychological pain; we can discover the original human power if we surrender to the Present moment. We discover that the body is actually one of the keys that open the door to a state of inner tranquility, just like the silence and space that surround us. Indeed, access is possible from anywhere. We can use these access points, portals to enter the present, the present moment, in which problems do not exist. There we will find joy and be able to embrace our true selves. There we discover that we are already complete and perfect.

Original title
The power of now
Radha Rojc-Belčec
24 x 16 cm
V.B.Z, Zagreb, 2003.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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